Healing is a slow art

I have witnessed various forms of healing through personal experiences, college ministry, urban ministry, NGO and social enterprise work. 

Physically healed from diseases, ailments, and pain.

Mentally healed from addiction, anxiety, and depression. 

Emotionally healed from trauma, abusive relationship, fear, shame, and guilt.

Cognitively healed from racial hatred, prejudices, divisive mindset, self-hate and generational negativity. 

Healing can happen in an instant, with a clear “before-after” result. (“I was sick, and now I am healed.”) 

Healing can be a slow, gradual, and fragile journey. (“I am in the process of BEING healed.”) 

Healing can be experienced individually and communally. 

Healing comes to anyone without descrimanation. 

Healing is a seed that grows in the dirt, which is a layer of dead things, when there is enough sunlight and rain from above. There are days when we feel as if nothing is growing. But then comes a day when a new bud appears out of nowhere. It is wonderous to find it. Sometimes we miss it if we don't look carefully from various angles. It helps to walk around the planter and listen to those who have different perspectives. 

Healing cannot be forced. 

Healing isn't guaranteed when we pray as fervently as possible. 

Healing can feel like a deathly spiral with no real progress. 

Healing may continue for a while and then disappear overnight. 

Maybe it’s not about the perfect results. 

Maybe it’s about the life-altering encounter with God in the process of healing. 

Maybe we don’t have to fix and solve every situation. 

Maybe we don’t have to be afraid of healing.

Maybe we don’t need to be ashamed of the need for healing. 

Maybe it’s about the beauty in the broken. 

I firmly believe that it is better to be IN the process of healing than being outside of it. It hurts badly, but it is where we find our freedom and the strongest kinship. It is where we grow in genuine compassion for others. It is where we experience the power of “Immanuel - God with us” (and never consider “God is with you” as a cliché.) It is where we become an honest, humble, authentic human being. It is where we are liberated from self-centeredness. It is where we discover that our God is able. It is where we see that every small effort to be healed is not in vain. It is where we become Christ-like, and others get blessed by you whether you recognize it or not. 

If you’re going through the painful process of being healed, you’re doing great! Keep making wise choices. Don’t give up. Solidarity in suffering is sweeter than loneliness in comfort.


Rock Bottom 2010


Almost dying after childbirth 2006